Thursday, April 12, 2012

Thursday Thinking - Caine's Arcade

I love the place where beauty, depth, and everyday simplicity intersect, and I appreciate it so much when someone points me to that place. This little film is fun, sweet, and profound all at the same time. It made me smile with a lump in my throat; it made me happy and put tears in my eyes. I want you to watch it--all 11 minutes--and I promise you it will be worth every second. It will move your heart and stir your mind toward some really good thinking.

Below is a list of some feelings and thoughts this video stirred up in me. There aren't any spoilers in the list, so you can read it before you watch. But once you have watched the video, read my list again, and then add some of your own thoughts and responses in the comments section.
1. Kids are beautiful and should be treasured.
2. Parenting is a very special opportunity and the dad in this story clearly gets this. He's making the most of his opportunity and deserves kudos.
3. The spark of creativity should be fanned into flame. Always encourage it!
4. If you have eyes to see something special, you can make it even more special by embracing it and contributing to it.
5. Taking the time to play with others is important. You can bless others just by noticing and loving the good they do.
6. A toy store will never take the place of old cardboard, tape, and cast off junk.
7. There are thousands of people in this world who are just waiting to hear a good story. This is a vast and mostly untapped resource for good.
8. Sometimes the most beautiful things are in very unexpected places (for instance, a salvage auto-part store).
9. One man's junk is another kid's gold mine.
10. I want and need to keep my eyes open for beauty.
11. I want and need to be good to children.
12. I want and need to do things that encourage and bless others.

Caine's Arcade from Nirvan Mullick on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. - When kids get honored by adults, they grow up to be adults who honor kids

    - Children have an amazing capacity to understand how things work on the most basic level. Their powers of observation are so often overlooked.

    - When social media is used to do something that encourages people's good nature, the results can be overwhelmingly positive in a world where the internet jargon word "viral" can sometimes mean devastation.

    I saw the tail end of the quick blurb on this story on NBC Nightly News tonight. The outpouring of people who have visited Caine's Arcade have allowed him to raise over $100K!! Caine said he wants to use the money for college.
