Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Tuesday Tome - No Zeal for Zealot

The Jesus Blog, a blog from Anthony Le Donne and Chris Keith dedicated to historical Jesus research, has published an interesting guest post from Larry Berhendt. He blogs at Jewish-Christian Intersections and has been reading Reza Aslan's new book, Zealot. He's not too enthused about what he's read so far.

I just got a copy of the book last week and it's on the bottom of my stack of books to read. I'll admit that Berhendt's comments don't make me want to hurry to move it up to the the top. He writes:
I am predisposed to like Reza Aslan’s latest book Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth. Aslan is a talented author, he’s not Christian and he’s writing about Jesus. What’s not to like? Another point in his favor: Aslan strives to understand Jesus in the context of Jewish first century Palestine.

But I ran into problems from the outset of Aslan’s book...
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This is not a promising start to a book about Jesus written by a “scholar of religions”.

Am I nitpicking? Maybe. But I feel like I can’t read more than a few pages of Aslan’s book without encountering something that makes me ask, “really?”
Read the Entire Post Here


  1. I've outsourced my reading of it to a friend. This is the kind of stuff that, unless I was doing a dissertation on it, I'll pass on.

  2. I would do the same except from a pastoral point of view I feel compelled to at least skim through pop-tomes that get so much attention from the commercial PR machine.
