Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Tuesday Tome - All That Jesus Asks

I recently completed a teaching series at Valley called All Jesus Asks. Each week's sermon was based on a specific question posed by Jesus somewhere in the pages of the gospels. I got the idea for the series from a book by Stan Guthrie called, All that Jesus Asks. I first heard about the book through the Books and Culture Podcast.

Over the last several months as I've been preaching this series, I've also been encouraging people to read Stan Guthrie's book as a companion to my teaching series. On November 22, 7:00pm, I'll be leading a book club discussion at Valley Christian Church (more info). If you've read the book or are interested in reading it in the future, please consider joining us.

Several copies of the book are still available at the Valley Resource Center or church office. It's also available at Amazon right now for a very low price.

1 comment:

  1. Its a great read. Who knew Jesus asked nearly 300 recorded questions.

    Josh Hunt
