Thursday, May 02, 2013

Thursday Thinking - Taking Jesus Seriously

Here are some thoughts for this 6th week of Easter. N. T. Wright explains how resurrection means that we have a job to do––joining with God to bring heaven and earth together.

The message of Easter, he says, is that the Living God has entered our world, with all its tears and distress, and has begun to turn it around. New things are now possible. God is releasing us from the past and opening the door for new creation. New life is now available for all who will take Jesus seriously.

1 comment:

  1. "So many people were taken by surprise." I think that is a key indication of Christian transformation. Unless we see Jesus like the very first Christians did, and have a "surprising" converting experience, we may be missing out. And by no means do we need to have experiences just like the ones recorded in Acts. The great thing about surprises is that they are different for everyone. But any transforming "surprise" experience will make you get serious...and that is how we should experience God's love in Christ Jesus: surprisingly transformative.
