Thursday, March 16, 2017

Thursday Thinking - Jesus on Facebook

Matt Ingalls has posted some helpful suggestions on the Missio Alliance blog for Jesus followers who are interacting with others through social media. I'd encourage you to read it. (5 minutes)

Doing What Jesus Taught—Even on Social Media
by Matt Ingalls
March 15, 2017 - Missio Alliance

"...I think it’s time to apply Jesus’ counter-cultural character to what has become our social media crisis. And so I humbly submit five upside-down ideas for your social media usage."

Read the full article to see what Matt says about these "upside-down" ideas...

1. Make a Personal Invitation.
2. Pray instead of comment.
3. Argue about the right things.
4. Post a prayer for goodness.
5. Defend the humanity of an opponent.

1 comment:

  1. This is great...

    "Jesus’ desire to eat with Zacchaeus doesn’t make him a greedy tax collector any more than my defense of secular humanists makes me one.

    Those people who are dehumanizing you in the comments, they deserve to be treated humanely. Be the prophet who defends their dignity, without an ounce of fear that doing so diminishing your own commitment to Jesus and his way."

    I reaaly appreciated what he had to say. Jesus' way with people is what draws me to be like him.
