Thursday, September 07, 2017

THURS Thinking - Prayers for a Relocating Church

Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
and lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge him,
And he will make your path straight.

O God, you have been our hope in ages past and you are our hope for years to come.
You are our Good Shepherd. Lead us into the days ahead. We fear no evil because you are with us. You have opened a door of opportunity; help us to enter into it with wholehearted trust.

You know the challenges that lie ahead; give us the confidence that accompanies faith in your provision. You know our needs before we ask; remind us to pray as children who believe you are a caring Father. Bind us together as a church family. Empower us as we spur one another on toward love and good deeds.

Through Christ, we pray. Amen.

O God, your ways are higher than ours. No human wisdom or knowledge can compare with yours. Before a word is in our mouth, you know it. Your knowledge is before us and behind us. Reverence for you is the beginning of wisdom. Seeking you is the first step in seeking truth.

Help us to humble ourselves and listen for your voice – through Scripture, through prayer, and through the counsel of Spirit-led community.  Help us to believe you more than we believe ourselves. Help us to remember that sound thinking is always rooted in humility before you and submission to you. Give us the clarity of mind that is quickened by faith in you. Give us the wisdom that comes through Christ Jesus, a wisdom born of grace and submission.

We pray through Christ. Amen.

O God, we make our plans but it is you who directs our steps. We set a course, but we do not know what tomorrow brings. We strive to be prudent, but even a prudent plan is subject to unexpected and unplanned circumstances and influences. In all our ways, O God, make us quick to acknowledge you.

Whether in life or death; whether in plenty or in want; whether in loss our gain; whether through success or failure, be our ballast and our foundation. Help us to keep our eyes on Jesus, the one who goes before us, the author and perfecter of our faith.

It is in his name that we pray. Amen.

PROMISE...O God, make our path straight as we trust you, lean on you, and acknowledge you. You have promised to lead us into a better way. You have promised that you will not fail us. You have promised that your wisdom will help us to persevere through every challenge and opportunity. You have promised to keep us and save us and grant us success as we seek and acknowledge you.

Help us to cling to your promises and to work and live as people who believe you are the great promise keeper. Help us to trust you to keep your promises as we transition to a new building; as we begin a new chapter in the life of our church; as we give ourselves to the work of the Kingdom; and as we commit ourselves to ministry and encouragement toward each other and toward our community.

We pray through Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit – One God, now and forever. Amen.

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