Thursday, November 14, 2013

Thursday Thinking - The Upside of Down

My wife came across an interesting post on a website she follows called Everyday Health. The short article suggests that there may be a number benefits associated with the difficulties of personal depression. She read it aloud to me one morning last week (not sure why she thought it might be of interest to an upbeat guy like me), and I found it to be pretty plausible.
If you’ve ever grappled with depression, there’s a good chance you’ve got nothing pleasant to say about the illness — and for good reason: Depression can leave you brokenhearted, hopeless, and uninterested in the activities you once loved. But according to some mental health experts, depression has a positive side. These “glass-half-full” specialists say that the symptoms of depression may actually be evolutionary adaptations. 
The article goes on to describe seven possible upsides to the downer of depression. If this list makes you curious, you should click the link to the complete article and read the rationale for each of these potential benefits.
1. You’re a better problem-solver.
2. You learn how to cope.
3. You have better relationships.
4. You’re more compassionate.
5. You buck stress.
6. You’re a realist.
7. You can detect deception. 
Is Depression Good for You?
By Madeline Vann, MPH
Medically reviewed by Lindsey Marcellin, MD, MPH
So the next time you're feeling bad, remember, there may be some good stuff going on too. Some blessings come with the blues. I'm feeling better already.

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