Saturday, December 22, 2012

Saturday Smile - N. T. Wright Limericks

There is a contest for theology nerds going on at Tony Jones' Theoblogy site. The winners will receive the nerdy and kitschy prize of Theologian Trading Cards. To enter, all you have to do is submit a limerick about theologian. NT Wright, a favorite of mine, was one of the suggested theologians to write about, so here are the two limericks I sent in...

RE: Surprised by Hope
On the day that you breathe your last breath,
You'll live on, but there's more, don't forget
That your hope and delight
(says our dear Mister Wright)
Is your life AFTER life after death!

RE: Simply Jesus
The Kingdom's begun, Jesus stated,
And Tom Wright says we should celebrate it
As we work and we pray
Toward the Full Kingdom Day--
Eschatology inaugurated!


  1. There once was a thinker named Wright
    Whose creator was the Father of Light
    Sans God, he wouldn't exist
    'Tis why I simply insist
    In this case, it's true: might made Wright

  2. Well done, Dewey!!! You should submit it and win the cards. :-)
