Sunday, December 16, 2012

Sunday Supplication - Recognizing Christ as King

O Lord, move in our hearts with your great might. Work in our lives with your power. Through your boundless grace and mercy, deliver us from the sins that entangle and destroy us.

Thank you for the forgiveness and renewal you have given to us through Christ Jesus. As we follow in His way, help to extend that same forgiveness to those who have sinned against us. Help your Church to be a community of grace. Make us a people able to make a redemptive and healing difference in our world.

We thank you for the forgiveness and life we have through Jesus, and the promise that whoever believes in him will not perish, but have everlasting life. May all who seek you find you, O God! Help us to recognize Christ as King, and help us to make room for his saving and shaping work in our lives.

It is in his Name that we pray all these things. Amen.

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