Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Tuesday Tome - The Theology of Dallas Willard

I'm really looking forward to the arrival of this new book. Judging from the table of contents viewable on Amazon and some of the reviews I've read, the book will be most interesting to those of us who have been greatly influenced by Dallas Willard as we've read and followed him over years. As readers of this blog are likely to know, I'm smack dab in the middle of that demographic.

Willard was a rare blend of spirited intellectual, gifted academic, humble disciple, and skillful communicator. He possessed an amazing gift for saying huge things in simple and approachable ways. As a teacher, he was always stretching up to the big ideas on the top shelves in order to bring them down and arrange them on lower shelves where simpler folks like me might be able to reach them. And many times, Willard helps me by articulating concepts I know already on some experiential level, but have found difficult to identify or put into words.

The Theology of Dallas Willard: Discovering Protoevangelical Faith was written by Gary Black who chairs the Department for Advanced Studies and directs the Doctor of Ministry program at Azusa Pacific University School of Theology. This new book appears to be the result of his Ph.D. dissertation which was the first serious academic attempt to organize and track the influence of the noted philosopher, theologian, and spiritual formation writer/speaker.

The APU website says this about the author:
"Dr. Black's theological specialization focuses on the changing nature of American evangelical theology and the effects and opportunities that exist for the Church during the transition toward an increasingly post-Christian culture. His passions lie in helping current and future church leaders navigate the evolving realities of our world while discovering and achieving their own discipleship through the process of spiritual formation, leadership development, and transformational scholarship."
Here is the book description from the publisher:
Evangelical Christianity in the United States is currently in a dramatic state of change. Yet amidst this sometimes tumultuous religious environment a rather unique blend of both ancient and contemporary Christian theology has found its way into the hearts and minds of emerging generations of Christians. ''The Theology of Dallas Willard'' both describes and conveys the essence of this increasingly popular and perhaps mediating view of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Blending both a prophetic critique with pastoral encouragement, Willard's unique understanding of the reality present within a life lived as a disciple of Jesus in the kingdom of God is attracting both new and traditional Christians to reconsider their faith.

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