Thursday, January 26, 2012

Thursday Thinking - Jesus & Religion

The Why I Hate Religion, but Love Jesus video by Jefferson Bethke has attracted a lot of attention. Posted on YouTube on January 10th, it has had nearly 17,000,000 views in just two weeks.

I could easily point out some good things about the video, and just as easily level some criticisms and complaints. I don't think the "poem" is very good poetry or even very good rap, and content-wise it suffers from simplistic overstatement. Nonetheless, I think it has provoked some healthy conversation and some thoughtful responses.



Jesus Was Religious
from Jared Wilson @ Gospel-Driven Church

Does Jesus Hate Religion? Kinda, Sorta, Not Really
Kevin Deyoung @ Gospel Coalition

Clanging Cymbal Ecclesiology
Matthew Canterino @ First Things

Why I Hate Religion, but Love Jesus - SMACKDOWN
Response @ Bad Catholic

Hey Jefferson Bethke, Let Me Tell You What Religion Is
Tony Jones @ Theoblogy

What are your thoughts? Leave a comment.


  1. Somehow the comments option for this post was not available. I've got it fixed now.

    Here is a comment I received via email:

    Hi Dave!

    You asked for interaction and to leave a comment on your Altered Faces blog, but you must have comments turned off on that post regarding Jefferson Bethke’s video.

    Anyway, I wanted to leave you a comment somehow, so here is a quick email. I think Bethke is misusing the word “religion” a bit, and really is just trying to bring into focus an overarching problem that many Christians have today: How can you define your faith in light of the “labels”? If you are a Presbyterian, does that define your faith? How about if you are Catholic? What if you choose not to have a denomination…does that make you less faithful? If you did a random “man on the street” type survey, asking people, “What religion are you?”, how many would respond with their denomination, rather than “I’m a Christian”?

    Suffice it to say, some of the reasons we chose Valley were the Restoration roots and non-denominational (or affiliation of any kind) organization. I also personally hearken to the emerging “post evangelical” movement, as I think that the term “evangelical” has evolved through pop culture and bad news reporting into a political statement – which I don’t believe it should be. I want to define my faith directly through Christ. Not indirectly through some label, or “flavor” of religion. I think that is a message Bethke’s video attempts to send.

    In Him,

  2. Kris-- Well said. I agree with you completely. My reasons for being at Valley are the same as yours. :-)

  3. From Facebook:
    Thanks for the posting abut the Jesus and Religion video. While I did not have time to read all of the articles you posted I did find the Kevin Deyoung one helpful. I especially like his point that both the strengths and weaknesses of the video are reflective of young believers today. Is there a lot of buzz in your church about this video and do you plan to capitalize on it for a future sermon?


  4. Comments from Facebook:

    From A.N.H.-
    "Why is everybody so blind to what Bethke is saying? It’s the religion for religious sake that he’s talking about here… The ones who are religious for duty, out of tradition, because they were told this was the way to heaven, the judgmental hate mongers. He’s not talking about those who are walking with the Lord and living the lifestyle of Jesus. There is a religion that is pure and undefiled that Jesus encourages… That is not the one to which he is referring.

    Does everything anyone does have to carry a disclaimer these days to avoid ridicule?"

    And apparently from Bethke's facebook page:
    "If you are using my video to bash “the church” be careful. I was in no way intending to do that. My heart came from trying to highlight and expose legalism and hypocrisy. The Church is Jesus’ bride so be careful how you speak of His wife. If a normal dude has right to get [mild vulgarity meaning angry omitted] when you bash His wife, it makes me tremble to think how great the weight is when we do it to Jesus’ wife. The church is His vehicle to reach a lost word. A hospital for sinners. Saying you love Jesus but hate the Church, is like a fiancé saying he loves his future bride, but hates her kids. We are all under grace. Look to Him."

    From A.N.H-
    I posted this video but did feel the need to clarify that I don't 100% agree with him. I do agree with rejecting religion (modern day pharisees) and accepting Christ.

    From J.K.-
    I think Gandhi had a somewhat similar sentiment, though he expressed it much more humbly.
