Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Tuesday Tome - Playing God

Last Thursday night, I attended a benefit dinner for MacLaurinCSF at the University of Minnesota. The keynote speaker was Andy Crouch, editor of Christianity Today magazine. Some of the ideas he shared with us were taken from his new book, Playing God: Redeeming the Gift of Power. Based on those comments, I'm expecting the book to be an interesting read. Rather than thinking of power in terms of control and domination, Crouch suggests that power be understood in terms of desire and action that leads to the well-being and flourishing of its object.

Complimentary books were available for everyone who attended the event (Definitely my kind of event!), so I was pleased to be able to get a signed copy. Here's how Playing God is described on Crouch's website...
Power corrupts—as we’ve seen time and time again. People too often abuse their power and play god in the lives of others. Shady politicians, corrupt executives and ego-filled media stars have made us suspicious of those who wield influence and authority. They too often breed injustice by participating in what the Bible calls idolatry. Yet power is also the means by which we bring life, create possibilities, offer hope and make human flourishing possible. This is “playing god” as it is meant to be. If we are to do God’s work—fight injustice, bring peace, create beauty and allow the image of God to thrive in those around us—how are we to do these things if not by power?

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