Thursday, December 29, 2011

Thursday Thinking - Collision

Last week, I posted about the passing of Christopher Hitchens. I thought I would follow up this week with a couple interesting resources that showcase his arguments against Christianity.

In 2008, the book Is Christianity Good for the World? was published. The book began as a series of open letters between Christopher Hitchens and Douglas Wilson published in Christianity Today magazine. Though Hitchens is well-known, you may be less familiar with Douglas Wilson, who is a pastor of Christ Church (Moscow, Idaho), a Senior Fellow at New Saint Andrews College, and a prolific author.

In addition to the magazine letters and the book, Hitchens and Wilson did a tour of public debates on the same question: Is Christianity Good for the World? Independent filmmaker, Darren Doane, produced a documentary, COLLISION, that captures the arguments and personalities of both men. If you are interested in the theological and philosophical debate about the existence or human knowledge about God, you'll probably enjoy this documentary.

I enjoy watching Hitchens and Wilson interact with each other as much or more than listening to their arguments about God. I love their ability to be relentless in their arguments and yet cordial in their relationship. For me, that's probably the most valuable payoff the documentary offers. It's worth watching.

See the Collision trailer.

Watch Collision online.

Visit the Collision website.

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